Lower Key Stage 2

Welcome to the Lower Key Stage 2 homepage. Here you will find information for our Year 3 and Year 4 classes.


Each half-term we will send a newsletter home that includes useful information and dates. 

Don't forget we update our Twitter page most weeks and also send messages via our school communication app - SchoolPing.

If you have any queries or need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you need to pass a message to one of our teachers in the morning, please jot it down on a piece of paper and give it to a member of staff on the door. Please remember to put your child’s name and class.


Each week, we send a number of homework activities for the children to complete. These include:


Reading aloud at home should be done at least 5 times per week, even if you only have time to read one or two pages. Please ensure that you make a note in your child’s Reading Record Book to let us know how your child is reading. We value any comment you add. Reading Record Books should be returned to school each day.

Weekly Spellings

These will be sent home each week. Children will be tested on their ability to spell these words each Tuesday. Try using the LOOK SAY COVER WRITE CHECK method to learn these words. We recommend learning these over several days, returning regularly to the ones children continue to find difficult to spell.

Homework Task

This is usually a piece of maths and English work that should be completed in your child's homework book. At times this could include a topic related activity. Homework books are sent home on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Wednesday morning.

Times Tables

We have also provided all children in years 3 and 4 with a log-in account for Times Table Rock Stars. This website allows children time to practice their times table facts.

The shortcut below will take you to the log-in page for Times Table Rock Stars.

TTrockstars School Login

Please note, we will sometimes ask children to complete any missing homework or reading at break or lunchtime.


Children should come into school on their allocated PE day wearing their PE kit.. Please make sure all PE kit items are named and that the children have suitable outdoor and indoor clothing. Further details of kits can be found on our uniform page. Parents will be informed in September of their child's allocated PE day.