Curriculum Overview
As part of our trust-wide strategy, we have structured our curriculum so that our children will know, understand and remember more.
Working closely together, the schools that make up Warrington Primary Academy Trust have painstakingly created detailed curriculum for every academic subject.
These are built in a way that will make sure that each child develops knowledge that is underpinned with a variety of core skills and key concepts, and builds on prior learning.
The approach means that children are better able to remember, apply and deepen their understanding of their learning.
Children experience a wide range of subjects and activities that allow them to explore different units of work and learning styles in detail.
Our Curriculum covers the National Curriculum objectives and builds on knowledge taught at previous stages.
Details of our School Curriculum can be found on this page and on the subject pages accessed from the curriculum menu on the website. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Curriculum Map/ Long Term Planning
Click on the link below to see an overview of the school's Long Term Plan for Science and the Foundation Subjects for 2024-2025. Details of our English and Maths curriculum can be found on the appropriate subject page.
Medium Term Plans
Each of our foundation subjects including Science have medium term plans which outline the key learning that will take place and show clear progressions in knowledge and vocabulary.
Following lockdowns in recent years, Ditton Primary has continued to benefit from online learning platforms. We see them as a valuable tool to ensure that pupils who are absent from school for reasons such as extended illness or unavoidable absence do not miss opportunities in education.
Microsoft teams
As part of our blended learning offer, we have elected to use Microsoft Teams as it is a secure and interactive learning network that provides a safe way for your child to access their learning from home. You can access the online platform through your internet browser on a laptop or desktop computer, or you can download the app on most mobile devices - iPad and Android devices.
Microsoft teams is used as an educational tool and will be used strictly for educational purposes, and so:
Children will be required to use appropriate grammar instead of texting language
The site will be used to discuss school-related content only.
All children are provided with login details. Upon initial login, you may be required to change your password; please ensure this is a strong password that is kept safe and not shared with others.
Each class has an online area that can be accessed by all children in that class, the class teacher and Senior Leaders.
Following the changes within Government guidance, it is expected that only a limited number of children will be off at any one time. Subsequently, we have made some changes to how our blended offer will be used. Should your child be unable to attend but is well enough to complete work then:
The class teacher will host live sessions so that your child can hear the lesson and partake if able to. A schedule of these sessions will be posted at the time.
The class teacher may upload activities to be completed before their return.
Should your child have any difficulties logging in, please contact the school as soon as you are able.
Learning Overviews
At the start of every half-term we publish our Learning Overviews (Subject Planning) for each year group.